Original Post
[Tex] Head Expo Candidate
I am very sorry,I forgot to tag it. This thing was too long so it slipped my mind.
BenDover doesn't play around. Super moderator indeed. Sorry guy.

head expo candidate.
I decided I want a head in the expo,at least one. So here it is,my awesome 200k tc
head tex. I've always wanted to own a head tex that was both cool and expensive
and that could make it in to the expo. No c/p or mirroring. Totally original idea. All
done with a mouse so-GO MOUSE POWER!. CnC,please. Trolls and zombies allowed
I'll post it later on the expo. Now I just want to see what everyone else thinks.

This is the second form of a tex I made a week ago named - the ultimate ninja.
Here you see his mutated cat-like form. His hair becomes wilder,his eyes beastly
and he ties a white cloth over a black silk one to cover his cat hears. All so he
doesn't attract too much attention.
I haven't given him a name yet but the transformation is called: Res of the seventh
star(I'm still working on it )

Res second form

While your at it maybe tell me if the first form has any chance of getting into the
expo,too. It would be cool if they could share a spot,Ya now? "Res first and second
form" that would be super awesome. (I'm starting to like the name Res. Maybe I
might use it.)

res first form

I've seen this head before, but it was many months ago... might be years...

The hair looks like plastic clip-on that just floats above the head.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
I More like 2nd Job..
Looks more detail.. btw i dont too like the hair..
and btw.. Its not bad.. But awesome.. Goodluck..
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
lancer,I assure you this isn't what you saw years ago(massive compliment Btw. thanks ). I've only been here nearly one year now.

Thanks raihan.
Uhhh,he wasn't complimenting you O.o
Second form is nicer, except that it will not get you 200k, not even 10k....yet, unless you color everything and add a good amount of shadows and mostly shade it,more anyways, and the floating wig.
I know it wasn't a compliment,I'm just taking it as one. My skill has improved 100 fold since my last two heads
you know how when you improve people stop saying"nice work" but instead say" I've seen this before" .that's awesome. And I get nice comments like "wig" lol

And I never said I want to sell it, I just want to own a cool,expensive head that got excepted on the expo and the best way to do that is to have everyone help me. This is why trolls are also welcome.
I tried that but it looks dull,like something is missing. Maybe if I change the angle so it moves downward(I'll have to check how that is done) or maybe I'll have to do it manually and see how that looks.
What else do I need to have a look at?
If this head stays the way it is then I don't think it will guarantee you a spot in the expo. Out of all the heads that have been posted there, only a small portion of the heads have actually made it in. Though if you build your head off of The criticism recieved then you could hopefully make it. What I could tell you is that you should make the shadows cast from the hair appear more natural so that it won't look like it's floating. I think you should also apply appropriate shadowing to the hair so it doesn't look flat & doesn't just look like a rag sitting on top of the guy's head. Shadows are your friends, try to use them to your advantage aslong as they don't damage the head. Don't let this wall of text deceive you though- I think this is a pretty decent effort.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.