Original Post
[REL] TorIRC (Lots of pics)

TorIRC Alpha 0.2

Fixed most of the bugs named.
Color customization integrated.
A few commands added. Will list below.
You can now launch TorIRC at any time: After TB, Before TB, etc.

Multiple channel integration
Help file
Customizable commands

Enter any of the following into the same menu you use to say stuff.
/join (channel) - Join specific channel. You can leave off #, or add it on. I made it work either way.
/j (channel) - Same as above
/PM (name) (msg) - Double clicking anyone's name on the User's List will fill in the first two parts for you. This is used to PM people. I'll put a hotkey in the future to auto-fill in the last person to PM you, and one to auto-fill the last person you PMed.
/prvmsg (name) (msg) - Same as above.
/nick (name) - Change your nickname.
/n (name) - Same as above.

Any errors report here, please.

Last edited by Juntalis; May 25, 2008 at 01:06 AM.
I downloaded, opened, clicked extract...


Edit: Worked the second time, thank god!
Last edited by Unknown; May 21, 2008 at 10:36 PM.
Just because I don't like blue xcreens, I'll wait a bit on this one until a non-glitchy beta comes out
Church of BnW
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
What version of Windows and what version of Toribash?

3.3, and 3.24, and Windows XP
Last edited by 715379; May 21, 2008 at 11:19 PM.
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
Btw, this doesnt work on vista atm (anyone who wants to try on vista, be my guest)

Apparently, Vista has problems with this. I might redo it in .NET, but we'll see.
It might have something to do with fact I can't get onto IRC anyway...
But what do you have to do join #toribash?