Original Post
[REL] 3.3 Multiplayer Crusher, harr harr!
Note! This mod is for 3.3 and will not work with 3.2!
(Once again, yes, that was necessary, so i can club anyone who doesn't read it.)

So, i finally snailed myself together to release this bastard.
There's two editions. The standard...

And with blenders.

Thanks to Nuyashaki for the idea of adding a blender

So, what this mod about is simple. Fight to the death on the two pseudo-slippery
beams above the crusher, and for gods sake, don't fall!
The gravity is high too, so if you're heading down, you'll most likely stay down.
While it is possible to cling on to the beams, doing so may put you at great risk
because of your opponent trying to kill you.
This mod is designed for multiplayer, but that should by no means prevent you
from dropping Uke into the crusher ;) (Holy crap, a non-image smiley!)

Not sure which settings that would be optimal for this mod, but preferrably
one with a high number of matchframes, and maybe long turnframes too.
"Vanilla" settings are set automatically.

Remember, if something's wrong, tell me. I'm doing my best to keep you satified :3

Edit: Fixed error about stuff being unintentionally grabbable.
Attached Files
MPCrusher.tbm (3.2 KB, 59 views)
MPCrusher-Blenders.tbm (3.7 KB, 78 views)
Last edited by Shook; May 30, 2008 at 03:37 PM.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Say, this needs to be online when 3.3 comes out... As do a whole load of other mods we've made recently... How 'bout we make one big zip and submit 'em all at the same time?

Waitaminit, you can grab the sides of the funnel, and the beams... Is that intentional?
Last edited by Skazz; May 28, 2008 at 01:53 PM.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Originally Posted by Skazz View Post
Say, this needs to be online when 3.3 comes out... As do a whole load of other mods we've made recently... How 'bout we make one big zip and submit 'em all at the same time?

Also, yeah, that'd be pretty cool actually. Like, a truckload of goodness.

Originally Posted by Skazz
Waitaminit, you can grab the sides of the funnel, and the beams... Is that intentional?

Hasawha? That isn't intentional. Flag hax coming your way, screwup!
Edit: Oh snap, i see the error. Worst part is, i've done that exact error before ._.
Last edited by Shook; May 28, 2008 at 03:28 PM.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
this mod is fuckin EVIIIL i love it

lots of fun

i would +rep you if that sistem was active now xD
Originally Posted by shook
So, what this mod about is simple. Fight to the death on the two pseudo-slippery
above the crusher, and for gods sake, don't fall!
The gravity is high too, so if you're heading down, you'll most likely stay down.
While it is possible to cling on to the beams, doing so may put you at great risk
because of your opponent trying to kill you.
This mod is designed for multiplayer, but that should by no means prevent you
from dropping Uke into the crusher ;) (Holy crap, a non-image smiley!)

'up. It's supposed to be hard to stay on top, because we all know that excessive
gore is better than two people hugging on top of the beams.
I suppose i could make a "standard Toribash" edition, so you have the traditional
low gravity and high friction. Mebbe. Likely.

Also, from the looks of it, i think the blender edition actually got into 3.3 :0
Correct me if i'm wrong though.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol