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[WIP] Jump it, need help
Hey. This is my first mod i made, when you run down the blocks and just jump, this is first,quite working, version but for sure not finished. I have few question, if you can help me please:

1) How to set gravity so that every time i open the mod it starts with -30 gravity? I have this there...

engageplayerpos 1.5,0,46.00,-2.5,0,46.00
gravity 0,0,-30
matchframes 1500
...but only gravity does not work, others two commands yes
2)Even though i set the gravity to -30, it is not possible to run like in mod runningf, where the gravity is also -30. What else are the factors influencing the running?
3) is there a way, how to set default camera? the center of view is in between the tori and uke, but would be better if i could change it, so that it only follows the tori or uke.
4) any improving ideas?

Thanks for replies.
Attached Images
jumpit.JPG (8.2 KB, 35 views)
Attached Files
jumpit.tbm (1.7 KB, 35 views)
1) gravity 0 0 -30

2) Gravity should do. If not, it might have to do with the object's friction, or wether or not they are static.

3) Tell the people who download your mod to use this command:
/zp #

Where # is either 0 for tori, or 1 for uke
You could use a lua script to run the command, but that's overkill.
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
he said something right,
but the gravity 0 0 -30.0 is within the world part of the code, so is the friction of the default ground,
0 for slippery and 1 for rough.

Now, for the objects is the same values but in the objects tab, every object has friction separated.

Try the trigger system, it is new, when someone reach the end of the path it just finish match with this player as winner.
I am new to trigger system, so search on the forum how to use it.
Last edited by dengue; Sep 15, 2012 at 08:34 PM.
The reason you can't run normally is because the friction of objects will always differ from the friction of the ground. That's just how it is. Do a different run.
Alright , I will tell you the real reason why your tori's run is not like the runningf.tbm. When you adjust the height of your tori to be on a object ( and this goes for most mods with object starting) , your tori is slightly higher then the object when you start .
But there are a few ways to fix this :

1. Space it once ( for 10 frames) while your tori is set to hold so that your feet will be planted flat on the object before you start to run .

2. Adjust the height ever so slightly , so if your height is 46.00 , try 45.50 for the tori . If that does not work then lower it a bit more until its right . But Uke and Tori have different heights even if the numbers are the same . Uke is always lower then Tori I beleive .

As for the mod , it looks good so far but use up all 16 objects and try to make everything look like actual structures for a "realism" look . If the mod is appealing to the eye then people will have more fun playing it .