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what u mean by "a skill" ? u mean some sort of power up ?
or u mean how long u need to play to be overall good in that game?
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

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Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
It entirely depends on you. You need to watch others play, learn how they do things, learn how to control the tori. It's just a matter of experience, not a matter of time.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I'd say a few months to get the general idea. Then a lott more time to perfect it
It depends on how much you play though.
Try to find experienced players and observe as much as possible from them. You learn a LOT faster that way.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Another thing I was taught when I first started playing, you need to learn the physics and what each joint does to the body(tori). Once you learn the basics of that, you can start putting together combinations and other cool moves.

It takes exactly 4 months 7 days 16 hours 2 minutes and 46 seconds

Many people are willing to teach newer people!

Search toribash for teachers!
Originally Posted by Tams178p View Post
Can someone who is pro say me plz?

All you have to do is play the game,Look up on youtube for some tutorials if you are having trouble and let other players teach you new skills and tricks. There is not time limit really to be pro/good at the game, The more you play the better you get pretty much. For example i been playing Toribash for 3 years now. and if me and you had a little fight then i might win because of experience but I can also lose me because you may play the game more then i do. Or understand the movement of the Tori and it's joints better then me.

(And make replays)|by pressing F on the keybord| There good to look back on good or bad
I would save bad more though just because you can learn from your mistakes
and fix them

so just keep on playing the game and don't stress your self out if you lose
-Trust me i know-

I hope this helped



Try to play smart, anilize your mistakes, pick skillfull opponents and you'll be fine as soon as possible. And of course practice, practice and..more practice! That's about it.
IOne thing you have to figure out is the idea of "priority" in toribash. What I mean is that to become the kind of player you would like to be you have to focus on a certain skill and then branch out as you approach a certain point. For example I did a horrible job of prioritizing myself when I started, I thought that I could spend a day playing aikido and then the next day sparring, and the next day on making replays and become good at all of them in no time. The reality was I made myself mediocre at all 3 but who wants to be mediocre. So to prioritize you have to firstly, waste no time, don' t spend an extensive amount of time on funmods, judo, mushu, messing around on single player, etc... You have to find your "passion." Do you want to be a good replay maker? Go check out ORMO in the organizations sub forum. Want to be a good sparrer/tricker? Go check out the replay sub forum and ask some qustions. Do you wanna be a moneymaking machine in multiplayer? Make sure you find a way to be good without playing like fatulbrown(jk love u fatul) and find your favorite mod. Personally if you want to be a good competitive player learn mods like rk-mma and wushu FIRST, although it may not be as fun dqing in the first 2 turns for the first week it will make you better at popular mods such as aikido, taekkyon, lenshu3ng, aikidobigdojo, ninjutsu etc.... Another thing is if you decide to be a competitive player try to formulate your own style of play, for example, in aikidobigdojo when I'm not playing for money and such my style is forcing the opponent to dq by key locks(elbows, knees, shoulders, wrists). Lastly make sure to take rank/losses lightly, if the loss made you a better than you won, rank is always fixable, if you lose your firs 100 games and win your next 500 then you won didn't you? Just keep that mentality and don't start dueling/betting until you are confident in your tc making abilities.
Last edited by Grim; Dec 4, 2013 at 09:12 AM.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Practice your preferred mod with Uke or any of the other new players. Experiment with every single joint, know what they allow your body to do and how you can combine them with other joints so you can have more control over your tori. Besides that, I used to save replays of matches I lost so that I could search for my mistake and learn from it.