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Need help with claiming up edges/walls
So you know that pro parkourers somehow super fast get up on edges right?.

How is that possible?. And how do I do it?

not to hard.its mostly about the jump,you should raise your self up with it as possible and use your arms (specially shoulders) to get more raise if you cant get there.when you reach its almost the same just use your arms to get yourself up and get a good pose to run.
i recommend watching swexx,xioi,victor4554 and some other cool parkourers them in slowmo and focus in theire moves.well it atleast worked to me.
edit:also dont fking grab coz this will make you slower at getting there.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Climbing with no grabs is basicly dragging against the wall and push of with your feet.
And when your at the top, make sure to grab on something. (Not the actuall grab feature.)
Then swing yourself over the edge.

Make sure to get a great push-off of the ground.
Last edited by Hyperbank; Nov 3, 2015 at 09:45 AM.

REKD M999!!!!111!!!!

It's very very simple, grab the wall with your shoulders raised, and wrist contracted, once grabbing the wall, extend that wrist and contract elbow, and with the free arm, grab the wall once you are a bit higher up the wall, and repeat,
Hope I helped you in some way.
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