Original Post
"Closest Shave"
I'm not even sure if this is enough to qualify but I personally don't believe the skeet could have been closer without a dm, or even contact for that matter.

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LOOK HOW FUCKING CLOSE.rpl (197.2 KB, 25 views)
is kyure alive?
It was hard to explain how this would be a record since there is no way of measuring the distance of 2 things in the game, nor does it matter. It's just an attempt for consideration. Also that shit made me mad.
Last edited by Juandissimo; Dec 26, 2015 at 03:58 PM. Reason: ,
is kyure alive?
as fallu said, you can go entirely through uke without actually touching him and that's been done before, and that's why this won't be a record

im digging the sick slow mo skeet tho