Original Post
Looking for Clan
Hello I'm not new to Toribash but I haven't played in awhile now. I was wondering if theres any good clans out there that accept begginers like myself, and can help others into becoming better fighters.

If anyone is willing to accept me into their clan I'm here.

Thank you
I don't know any clans that accept begginers, but you can try... Click here to go to the Clan Discussion board.

I recommend playing some more games and learning the basics of the game and forum before applying to a clan. Anyway, good luck! :v
yeah a lot of clans wont accept you or even consider you until your a blackbelt+ so i suggest getting better and getting to know people then when you have more experience and understanding about the game then apply to a clan
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Once you get to learn how to play a little, learn how your tori works, try applying for (im)

They accepted me when I was a green belt

It's easy to join if you want to help out.

Click the red link in my signature.

Do it.

Also I'm shamelessly advertising because it's true & I'm just throwing it at people
Most of begginers apply to clans cuz of [TAG]

It'd better to make some TB friends and play with them, than you can surealy apply to any clan you want.
If you're good on the forums, then there are a number of clans that might accept you regardless of your belt. Look for the most forum active clans on the clan discussion board.

Of course, if you're looking for a more in-game clan, you'll probably have to improve your belt a bit. Many clans are weary of white belts because of the danger of multi-clan alts.

My advice is to chat to people in game, find a group of people you like, then apply to their clan. That's how I got into my first clan.

Good luck ^^
Use this tutorial if any of them ask for an application, always read through all the information on the threads; leaders like me have a key phrase or image that must be in your application in order to prove you read the first post c;

i mean it's blatantly obvious when you didn't read the first post i have the nitro key phrase in my signature and people still don't add it.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert