Original Post
Reaplay format
Ok, sorry, but i looked for it, and all i saw were REALLY confusing words... all i wanna know, is when i click on the link for a replay, what format do i save it as, and wat exactly do i do? Sorry if i seem retarded but im not exactly smart, plz help

There's my signature now when do I get this free boat armed with plasma launchers you mentioned?
Re: Reaplay format
If your talking about downloading a link from the replay section, it's saved as a .rpl and you put it into the Replay folder.
C:/ Pogram Files/Toribash-2.4/replay
If thats not what your talking about, please explain more thouroughly. (SP? :S)
Re: Reaplay format
All I know is that .rpl files are simple .txt files named weirdly. Hmph...
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Re: Reaplay format
No they're not. .txt is just plain text, while Toribash replays obviously are of some certain format that can be read by Toribash.
Re: Reaplay format
Try opening one in Notepad or something, it is plain text, although it is a specific way.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Re: Reaplay format
Originally Posted by suomynona
although it is a specific way.

Which is not the case with .txt.