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Commands for a server.
Im trying to run a server without using Torilaunch... I was wondering what all the commands where.

I got this far already

"CToribash\toribash_server.exe" -t 5,10,20,40,80,160,160 -dq 2

I was wondering what all the command were, so i could customise to my liking? Im trying to make a Judo Fracture server, but it would be usefull to know all the commands anyway.

Thanks in advance.
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.
Re: Commands for a server.
-p <port> - listen port (20184)
-m <frames> - match frames (120)
-t <frames> - turn frames (10)
-r <sec> - reaction time (20)
-f - flags (1=DQ, 2=Decaps, 4=No Grip, 3=DQ&Decap 8=Fracture) (3)
-s - sumo (0=HF, 1=HF and WA) (0)
-e <cm> - engage distance in centimeters (100)
-j <cm> - dojo size in centimeters (0)
-l <percent> - dismember thresh hold (100)
-c <percent> - fracture thresh hold (0)
-d <model> - damage model (0=opponent, 1=both, 2=self) (0)
-o <name> - mod name (classic)
-C <clients> - max number of simultaneous clients (12)
-T <sec> - Socket timeout (5)
-L <file> - Name of log file
-N <name> - Name of server (will show in mutliplayer server desc)
-D - Daemonize server
-R <pass> - Remote console password
-P - Premium server
-A <rounds> - AFK rounds. Player will be kicked if inactive this many rounds after start (3)

I recommend making .bat files of your server settings for easy usage...
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
Re: Commands for a server.
thanks a lot man, thats just what i wanted! Just one question about flags. Which is the flag for judo dq settings?
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.
Re: Commands for a server.
Originally Posted by Mr-Deanster
...-dq 2...

That'd just break your server...

And a list of all the flags:

And also, sumo:
0=Hands and Feet safe
1=Hands, Feet, Wrists and Ankles safe

And S1GN4LM4N, I noticed -M on your server, which I believe is to show a welcome message.

For -R, it is the server auth password.
/pass <password>
Should display "Authed",
Should display something like:
123 someguy P
246 otherguy P
To kick otherguy:
/kick 246 Some_one_word_of_reason.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Re: Commands for a server.
F = Fracture
DM = Dismemberment
DQ = Disqualification
NG = No grip

So it'd probably be (if your talking about frac like I think you are...)

-f 11 -m 475 -t 5,10,20,40,80,160,160 -r 15 -s 1 -l 200 -c 100 -d 1

Which can be further customized.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Re: Commands for a server.
Originally Posted by nokturnal
nice summary suomynona.. so nice, I had to steal it and add to the "running a server?" thread! ;)

It appears Nokturnal likes me...
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!