Original Post
[BUG]Strange yellow lines across sky when shaders is on.
Hey guys, ever since updating to 3.7, there are long yellow lines that stretch across the whole sky. This only happens when "Shaders" is on in the options.


Intel Q9550
AMD 4870X2 graphics card (most likely the culprit)
4GB Mushkin REDLine RAM

Here is a screenshot:
I have an answer!
even if it does work for some people, (excluding me), there is bugs with it half the time. Also, you might want to turn that type of shading off, if you are still confident, because that might work too.
Havn't seen that before, But I would actually prefer that than just white.

(User was infracted for this post (That is not a helpful post.))
Last edited by suomynona; Mar 9, 2009 at 11:19 PM.
Cel-shading isn't what toggled it on in the first place.

This even happens with a different .inc applied.

2 possible causes:

1. Graphics driver - you've got an ATI & they suck for GL. Update & see if it fixes.

2. You've got a 64 bit version of Vista.

Same happens with 64 bit Linux installs.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I am aware that turning shaders off will fix this but then I dont have shaders.

I have the latest 9.2 Catalyst drivers and i do have Vista Ultimate x64.

Fix this, Nabi!